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Peach Pit Morning Out @ Collier
Ages: 18M-7 Years
Single Day Drop-In - $55
Monthly Unlimited -
1 day/week: $150
2 days/week: $250
3 days/week: $350
4 days/week: $450
5 days/week: $550
(multi-class and multi-sibling discounts apply for unlimited ONLY)
Peach Pit Morning Out is a wonderful concept for the parent-on-the-go, working parent or parents who just need some personal time. Our staff will host a 4-hour mini-camp where children will be able to move through an obstacle course, rotations and childhood games all combined with potty breaks and snack time. PPMO is safe and fun where parents can drop their toddlers, preschoolers, or school-aged children in the gym and have a free padded open play space with lots to do.
Offered every weekday (Pre-Registration Required)
Register per day on our Events Calendar
(PPMO events will be in light purple)
Allows your child to attend Peach Pit Day Camp for a monthly fee per number of days. Auto-billed on the 1st of each month.
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